Tuesday, September 21, 2010



168***888*** SLH*** JHS*** 168***888***888*** 168***JHS***SLH***

Lord, help me to overcome all idleness and lack of discipline in my life. Inculcate in me a progressive work ethic. Cause me to realize that I am only steward of all Your blessings. I am to manage these resources well, for shall I give an account to You. Help me to constantly find joy and fulfillment in working productively. Teach me how to use all my talents and creativity when I go about my work. Help me realize that as a believer in Christ, I am predestined for blessings, dominion, and benevolent authority over others. As a chosen child of God, help me to guide others to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and to bless and prosper them. Help me faithfully carry out my duties as a holy and royal priest of God. Help me raise my children to be holy, righteous, and God-fearing. Give me the boldness and wisdom to praise You before others.

Make me a highly disciplined, industrious person. May I be a tree that bears much fruit for everyone to enjoy. May I have the same calling as Abraham who was blessed in order to bless the whole world. I dedicate myself to You and to Your ministry. Cause my work excellence to produce righteous wealth. Give me success so that I may be a role model to others. I will be careful to give You back all the praises and all the glory in Jesus’name. AMEN.

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